How to Ventilate and Sleep Well

When you take a look at healthy lifestyles around the world you’ll see that they have one thing in common, sleeping well in a well ventilated environment.

The quality of inside air is within your control.

Living in a heated environment is not about how much heat you can retain or avoid losing, but more a case of ventilating contaminated air efficiently whilst retaining comfort levels at an acceptable cost’.
To our minds no cost is ever acceptable, unless we’re gratifying ourselves, so learn to gratify yourself by ventilating air in your home if only to replenish oxygen levels and stay healthy.
Remember odour is something visitors notice.

Respiratory System

Your respiratory system is at it’s greatest risk from artificially heated environment systems such as air conditioning, which in most cases is installed without consideration to maintaining air quality levels.

Everyone would like to simply walk in, turn on a switch, and have everything taken care of, and if you have the means of installing a programmable system, why not?
You still need to be proactive and give consideration to the air quality you choose to live in.

Going on ‘walks’ and ‘runs’ for the purpose of being fit and maintaining your lung capacity is rather self defeating if your indoor environment, particularly sleep hours , compromises those endeavours.

Yeah but! ……doesn’t apply


You can talk about how much money you’ve saved over the years in heating costs by living in a ‘plastic bag’ environment but what says it all is that the story is being told from a bed in an emphysema ward of a hospital.

My point…….How much would one pay not to be there?

Don’t off go wailing off into the sunset and become fanatical about the issue of healthy living inside your home.
Just be mindful that a balanced approach toward a healthy indoor environment can only be of benefit to you.

Inside air is often worse that outside air, given the emissions of plasticizers in plastics, textile fibre, cooking residue and odours.

What is ‘good’ what is ‘bad’ is down to a judgment call on your part.

Try sleeping with a partially open window, as opposed to tightly shut and sealed.
You will notice a difference in the morning and through out the day.
Geographical location and season are mitigating factors.

Good natural ventilation in a home can do more to maintain a healthy atmosphere as opposed to imitating life in a plastic bag.
Which is what you end up doing by denying appropriate room ventilation, particularly in bedrooms.

The better informed you are enables you to make better decisions assisted by that information.

In the end it’s your choice…a natural balanced environment now or a costly one later.

Condor Kinetic

Ventilate and sleep well

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