The pitfalls of Roof Ventilation

by Isa Stralian
The pitfalls of Roof Ventilation

The Pitfalls

To those who turn to Google expect pitfalls in finding roof ventilation solutions.
And be prepared to get confused and disillusioned.
Even architects are so confused with all the claims to the point where they tell their clients to advise the builder of their choice at the time of the build.

With the battle for page one presence being waged, the last thing being offered is assistance regarding your specific problem, and the knowledge to finding an appropriate solution.
The name of the game is…… “pick me, pick me, I’ve got what you want”…

In all cases, the answer is going to be in your hands and as in most situations, knowing less is better than thinking you know more, because they are all selling the same product out of China or Malaysia to suit your pocket.


This is not to say that Chinese products are poorly made… they are not….
The Chinese are able to manufacture world class products, however it’s more a case of the agents capitalising on consumer ignorance and importing cheap low cost products that yield a high profit margin.

If you do not truly understand what is being offered, leave it alone, because this is one situation where being uninformed can work in your favour.

The sites are quick to tell you what your ventilation problem is and what types of ventilation systems they have in stock to suit your situation with one or the other, be roof ventilation, bathroom ventilation, or ventilating the dreaded ‘mould’ in the roof’

And you find yourself with a whole lot of answers that don’t match up with the questions you may have.
Therein lays the secret, make sure they answer your question, and not attempt to fit your question to their answer.

Example: ….
Prospective purchaser says, ‘I’ve heard this roof ventilator can be quite noisy.
Salesman responds, ‘these roof ventilators now have nylon bearings’.

Did the salesman say, this roof ventilator is not noisy?… No he left you to presume that his answer addressed the question.
So did it?

Being in the business of selling roof ventilators, and or ventilation systems, is not the same as having the expertise in solving ventilation problems.

Much like going to the butcher to discuss impending surgery.

The Gimmicks

Now to the wonder ventilation gimmick of the moment, the solar roof ventilator. That which is going to give you something for nothing….after you’ve purchased the product.

The Roof Ventilation product of the decade……a roof ventilator that has a 12v fan hooked up to a solar panel with the claim that it’s going to perform wonders because it’s a solar powered roof ventilator…BUT doesn’t work at night when you need it most.

So, putting vague and evasive ventilator performance values aside…
How long is the solar panel going to last?
And the fan is rated at ?
In full sun of course because if there’s no sun…no workee,

Are you going to do periodical inspections up on the roof or are you going to pay someone to do it? How often do you plan to replace this wonder roof ventilator?

On one occasion I asked a solar vent salesman what was going to happen of an evening when night time purging was critical…
Without skipping a beat his answer was…the solar vent was so efficient during the day that it didn’t need to work at night….

Now that is a considerable feat, as those words would have stuck in my throat had I attempted to utter them, even in jest.

Take note…rocket science didn’t suffer any loss when the salesman or tradie chose this vocation….flim flam is alive and well, and when cornered will say ‘we’ve sold thousands’…… but were they thousands of satisfied customers?….I think not!

Roof Ventilator Choices

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