by Isa Stralian

The insulation merry go around

Thermal insulation, the the purpose of which is to limit heat loss or gain.

It’s use during winter months, to limit heat loss through the ceiling and walls.

It’s corresponding performance during the summer months comes with a plus minus effect, in that the greater the amount of insulation, the greater the storage potential.
The time taken to reach heat saturation of the insulation is the same as that required for the insulation to purge itself of the heat load during the evening cycle.

A solid brick or stone house is more resistant to ambient change whereas a timber framed house responds a great deal faster.
The thermal insulation you would use in one instance will be different in another, not to mention geographical locality.

A simplistic ‘does all’ approach does not work.

Various entities including govt. based organizations will attempt to suggest that insulation will provide all the necessary comfort levels desirable but disappear into the wilderness when asked to show their rationale, or attempt to change the narrative.

The reality is that there is no advantage without a corresponding disadvantage and anyone advising differently should be suspected as having an agenda or is merely parroting what they’ve been told to say

Bigger is not always Better!

Geographical locations

In most conditions, the use of an insulative medium above r3.0 is not warranted.
For instance what is required in the southern states is not what is requires in the northern.
Even then thermal insulation should be used in a manner appropriate to the building generally, and in the roof space.
Ventilation should be employed where any high heat load is absorbed so as to be dissipated quickly and efficiently.

A decision should never be made until full awareness has been acquired.

Unfortunately there are those that think that when a word ends in ‘ion’, one is a substitute for the other.
A dangerous presumption!

Insulation, Ventilation, Air conditioning have totally separate areas of function and one does not replace, or is a substitute for the other.
Just as the tyres, steering wheel and brakes in a car are there for specific purpose.


Insulation – is like putting an on overcoat, to prevent heat loss.

Ventilation – is like breathing.

Air Conditioning -cooling -a cost based climate system controlling living conditions reliant on consumption of electrical energy with or without water.

Putting on an overcoat is not going to make you breathe any better and,
The air conditioner is not going to improve the quality of air.
Breathing well is not going to make you any warmer,
But it will help you be cooler, and
Guaranteed to keep you healthier.

Competitors will always attempt to demean the validity or value of a competitive product or service by confusing the issue.
Diligence is a necessity because in the end you are the one that is ultimately going to live with the outcome.

As with anything, a solution based on comprehensive understanding always produces the best outcomes.

Condor Kinetic

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