Do you know about Fireplace Fundamentals?

Do you know about Fireplace Fundamentals? An open fire can be both comforting and engaging in winter months providing warmth and companionship . Fireplace fundamentals or the principles of natural solid fuel combustion have never changed throughout the millennium.The interpretation of the principles as regards to the design of wood burning heaters is relatively haphazard.Especially…

Do you know about Fireplace Fundamentals?

Fireplaces  and what you didn't know about them
Fireplace Fundamentals

An open fire can be both comforting and engaging in winter months providing warmth and companionship .

Fireplace fundamentals or the principles of natural solid fuel combustion have never changed throughout the millennium.
The interpretation of the principles as regards to the design of wood burning heaters is relatively haphazard.
Especially in a social environment where ‘a little knowledge is dangerous’.

Whether it be an open fireplace, slow combustion stove or any wood burning heater operational indoors the principles are much the same.
Yes there are variations and conditions that need to be observed when used in fluctuating environments as exist in ‘open plan’ building design.


The main fundamental to note is that combustion requires oxygen.
Oxygen is a component of air, by some 21%, without which combustion cannot occur.
Along with the oxygen a volume of nitrogen, the predominant 78% of air, is also drawn up the chimney.

Therefore it goes without saying that if you use all the oxygen in a sealed room combustion ceases, the fire dies out and and you’re dead.
Of course the fire could die down though fuel starvation thereby ceasing to consume oxygen thus giving you the opportunity to live another day.

Don’t be too obsessed to sealing off all external doors and windows unless you have a controlled means of replacing the spent air.
This can be done in many acceptable ways depending on the characteristics of the building.

With an open fire it’s the radiation that extends into the room giving warmth to all that it touches aided by convection that allows the heat to travel through out the room and reaching in to others.

With a stove it’s the convection of air over the surface of the heater, slowly moving throughout the house.

Historical Realities

By the end of winter all horizontal surfaces in your house are going to be dusty , a consequence of the movement of warm air currents.
‘Spring Cleaning’ a traditional and accepted manner by which a house is aired cleaned and dust removed in the immediate months after winter.
That is, to air wash the area(s) that has been somewhat sealed during the winter months.


There are always refinements to a theme, many of them visual, but the fundamentals remain he same.
Change for the mere purpose of visual presence is not always justifiable.
Particularly if it interferes with the purpose.
One example being, when a fireplace and hearth is elevated beyond 200mm from the ground to enhance it’s presence in the room.
This could only be interpreted as an impractical wank on the part of the designer whether they be of architectural or interior design disciplines.
Radiation is uneven and doesn’t warm consistently as the coolest air in on the floor outside, the radiation band and remains cool.
Short story is that your feet are going to be cold if you sit close to the fire.
The coolest air is at floor level and it this that needs to be warmed first which in turn travels upward creating a cycle of movement and expansion.


Note the fire grate in the pic above where the wood is burning at a too fast a rate than is necessary.

If you ask any fireplace reseller as to what could be wrong with your fireplace, one of the oft heard responses will be about a fire grate.
All mention fire grates, and their necessity.
Now at all the beach parties where a wood fire existed, can you recall anyone carrying a fire grate to burn the wood in……?
Believe it or not a wood burns better in ashes on the ground, not elevated as a pyre homage to a deity.

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