Visitors to these pages will find effective solutions to solve individual problems arising from poor ventilation. Condor forte is in our extensive knowledge and ability in providing the best product for purpose.
‘the bitterness of poor choice lingers long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten’
Why Condor? ‘because we know how to’
Condor Windtower Roof Ventilators
Without doubt the best roof ventilator in the world today.
Vent your roof space efficiently with HiFlow stainless steel eaves vents. Low profile, simple to install with removable core for easy installation access and cleaning Available in designer colours Made in Australia
HVAC Delivery Vents (Manual & Powered operation)
For all ventilation and air conditioning systems Manual or remote controlled.
Condor Ventilation AC& EC fans
Flowmaster Airflow Controllers (Damper)
Keep your heat in during winter with a Condor Air Flow Controller
Special Delivery Axial & Centrifugal Fans
Pressure delivery or negative exhaust. Enquire as to what best suits your application.
Guaranteed to improve air conditioning performance/efficiency and lower running costs.
Door Vents
Allow air movement and displacement in all rooms and have natural comfort levels.
Bathroom Ventilation
Prevent mould and odour in a bathroom. Have the right product in the best place, such as the fan over the shower where it should be. Multi tasking products don’t do it